British companies suffer from a large number of cyber attacks since the beginning of 2017

British companies suffer from a large number of cyber attacks since the beginning of 2017
British companies suffer from a large number of cyber attacks since the beginning of 2017

     The United Kingdom has been suffering from an enormous number of cyber attacks since the beginning of 2017, and still remains today. British companies are also packed with malicious software from various types such as ransom programs, promtag show ads, spyware, botnets , ....

    As the threat data from the Malwarebytes security company shows That the United Kingdom is the most vulnerable to cyber attacks compared to the rest of Europe, and the UK is ranked second in the vulnerability of electronic attacks, where Italy is on the throne of this list.

     Analysis of threat data by Malwarebytes Revealed a 500% increase in the number of malware that British companies faced year after year. It is important to note that the data show malware detection and not necessarily successful cyber attacks, so you do not yet have to rush and feel scared.

    However, the magnitude of the threat indicates that UK businesses are clearly seen as attractive targets by the perpetrators, probably due to their relative success and the growth of British technology sectors.


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