What will happen if you reply to spam messages , is it dangerous ?

 What will happen if you reply to spam messages , is it dangerous ?
 What will happen if you reply to spam messages , is it dangerous ?

       Most of us do not bother to check spam. These messages come daily but are automatically deleted by email hosting companies, but dear readers have you asked yourself what happens if you reply to strange messages that could be This message may get you from some parties claiming to need money or give you gold at other times?

reply to spam messages
reply to spam messages

      A man named James Fitch decided to respond to these messages and his first response was on the inbox of a person called Solomon Odonko where he gave him 25 kilograms of gold and 2.5 million dollars !!!!

      He also responded to an e-mail from a party called Wendy Mandela, the second wife of Nelson Mandela, asking him $ 45 million because of Mandela's health, but the funny thing was that he received him three months later. Nelson Mandela died three months ago, so I describe his condition as critical, and this is the worst case that can occur, not being alive. "His response was a kind of fun and entertainment, and these interactions were documented in Dot Con.

     But we should all know that responding to spam is dangerous as PC Mag said. When you click the Reply button on this mail, many of your details are sent (ZabaSearch, Spokeo, Zillow) and others. They are used to fetch all information about mail recipients .

danger of spam
Danger of spam

      You should also know that the sender of this mail knows only your email address and can not guarantee if it is true or not. If you reply to the mail, you will be exploited to know more and your home address, phone number, age, social status, etc. can be obtained to protect yourself. You should not reply to unsolicited mail or any suspicious mail.


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