Facebook is shutting down its smart robots Alice and Bob after creating a new language for communication that humans do not understand

Facebook is shutting down its smart robots Alice and Bob after creating a new language for communication that humans do not understand
Facebook is shutting down its smart robots Alice and Bob after creating a new language for communication that humans do not understand

        In a news we see only in Hollywood films, Facebook announced the end of the development of Alice and Bob smart robots, which lasted more than a year and a half, in order to talk to the company's customers and respond to their desires perfectly. The supervisors of the project explained that these two robots have been able to invent a new language that the human being can not understand . This is exactly what happened after they acquired English professionally through artificial intelligence technology , and immediately Facebook officially stopped these robots and did not use them. Future.

     After this news spread officially on the Internet , there were immediately spread several cases in many of the technology companies that use this type of robots , and has been taken this news seriously in the Internet, believing that it is possible to transform our lives To Hollywood movies controlled by robots that may be smarter than human intelligence in light years.
Facebook also published the conversation between Bob and Alice , which appears as follows:

Facebook also published the conversation between Bob and Alice
Facebook also published the conversation between Bob and Alice

    As soon as this conversation was published, many activists in the Internet sought to analyze this strange phenomenon, which some viewed as mere software errors beyond the will , but others considered it an industrial intelligence revolution that would make the object a slave in the service of robots in the future.


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