Hotspot Shield stores all user data to sell to ad networks

Hotspot Shield stores all user data to sell to ad networks
Hotspot Shield stores all user data to sell to ad networks

     Hotspot Shield has faced many charges in the past for its main application, which provides a free VPN service, and with all these charges seem to already follow the interests of users and sell them to ad networks
      In a recent 14-page report, the Washington-based Center for Democracy and Technology said the Hotspot Shield application does not make you anonymous on the Internet, as many users believe, but violates the "anonymous browsing" requirement by intercepting Traffic redirection, and service uses different practices to share their users' data with the declared networks

      In the Privacy Policy , the Company indicates that it does not store any data, information or activities on their part, but this report indicates the contrary, it violates the privacy policy and sells user information
      These VPN services create two types of records: contact logs and usage logs, which present user data at risk because the company stores it, even though it denies it, to improve the service or improve the ads displayed in the free version
        The discovery of these data exchange practices by Hotspot Shield came after the US Congress revoked FCC privacy rules, which stipulated that Internet service providers "request permission from customers to collect and exchange sensitive information", which became available without a request Which led to significant concerns that Internet service providers would sell user browsing data , and the Hotspot Shield service is not


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