Researchers are developing sunglasses to generate electricity through solar energy

Researchers are developing sunglasses to generate electricity through solar energy
Researchers are developing sunglasses to generate electricity through solar energy

       Researchers have designed new "smart" sunglasses that include semi-transparent organic solar cells that can generate enough electrical power to operate devices such as hearing aids.


The researchers said the invention could pave the way for other future applications such as merging organic solar cells into windows or automotive glass .

Said Alexander Kolsman, of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ( KIT ) In Germany:

 "We bring solar energy to places where other solar technologies fail."

Dominique Landerer, PhD student at the institute, said:

 "The sunglasses we have developed are an example of how organic solar cells are used in applications that will not be feasible using conventional photovoltaic cells."

The lenses of the solar cells, fully fitted with a commercial frame, have a thickness of about 1.6 mm and weigh about six grams, just like traditional sunglasses.

These sunglasses also work in indoor environments under lighting up to 500 lux - the usual lighting for the office or a normal living area.

Under these conditions, all of the "smart" lenses can Generate 200 mW of electrical power , enough to operate devices such as hearing aids or Counters steps.

These sunglasses can also be integrated with glass facades for high-rise buildings. Organic solar modules can be used to convert absorbed light into electrical energy, according to the study.


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