Google offers SnapChat a very attractive offer worth 30 billion dollars to stick to the application

Google offers SnapChat a very attractive offer worth 30 billion dollars to stick to the application
Google offers SnapChat a very attractive offer worth 30 billion dollars to stick to the application

         While Facebook is stealing most of the benefits of Snap Chat, the company giant Google is associated with the startup company in a good relationship, relying on Google servers to run the famous application invested by the company at Snap during the Millennium CapitalGap last year during the round to collect financial investments.
        According to the last confessions of three people , Including a person working for an American company , US search giant Ivan Spiegel offered $ 30 billion to acquire his company in a bid far ahead of the $ 3 billion bid by Facebook.

      The new offer was made last year and in the course of May of 2016 , Where the company collects funding from Google's investors through CapitalG's investment in the company , But Google needs to excel Facebook in the private sector of conversations and chat where the failed attempts continue without any benefit , Despite the professionalism of the giant company and its extensive experience, but the product Google Plus did not compete even Twitter, which is suffering in these last days of devastating crises.
     Snap, which floated earlier this year in the US stock market, quickly found itself losing its value as its revenue slowed sharply as the user base grew and Facebook continued to copy and paste the benefits of Snape to its own services.


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