Google Announces War on Bad Performance Applications

Google Announces War on Bad Performance Applications
Google Announces War on Bad Performance Applications

     Google has announced that it is working on a new version of the Google Play Store search feature that will show high-quality applications first to help users discover applications that are compatible with their device and do not affect its performance. 

In its new announcement, Google says it specifically aims to limit the proliferation of applications that cause excessive battery use, slow latency, or break the device, saying it will prevent users from installing such frustrating applications, so new search algorithms You'll focus on the quality of your app even more as you view suggestions and results. 

It is clear that Google will field two birds with one stone with this new step, as it will reduce the possibility of these applications to users, while at the same time they force developers to improve their applications in order to remain relevant and high quality which will contribute to the growth of user confidence in The store therefore increases the number of uploads and ad revenue. 


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