Facebook is resorting to automated learning to identify false news in its users publications

Facebook is resorting to automated learning to identify false news in its users publications
Facebook is resorting to automated learning to identify false news in its users publications

       The world's largest online social network on Thursday, in an effort to fight so-called pseudo-news on its Facebook platform, posted a statement on its Web site announcing that it would begin using an automated learning update to detect phony or false news in its users' The validity of the news.

Facebook has been criticized as one of the most important distribution points for so-called phantom news, which many believe has negatively impacted the 2016 US presidential election.

The issue has also become a major political issue in Europe, where French voters have approved the identification of false stories before the May presidential elections. Germany has also supported a plan to penalize social networks if it fails to remove posts and fake content immediately before the September elections in Germany. .

On Thursday, Facebook said in a separate statement to Germany that a test of the new feature of news verification had begun in the United States, France, the Netherlands and Germany.


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